ArteMedics Website Redesign
ArteMedics is an animal health company helping to provide the highest standard of care for animals with their veterinary medical implants and tools. As part of Design U, a student-led, pro bono design consultancy, I took on a significant role as my project team’s sole graphic design student and only member with web design experience. In the website redesign, we focused on creating a professional yet friendly appearance that customers could trust and restructuring the website to clearly communicate the brand’s message and streamline the user experience.
Before making any design decisions, we researched other websites in the market and got feedback on the appearance and usability of the previous site. Looking at other medical companies, we found that they often presented a tone that was very professional but also very serious, while the users we showed the previous website appreciated the impression of friendliness from its bright colors, although they found it not to seem professionally trustworthy overall. We combined the best of both worlds by reducing the palette to just be the three colors from the logo to convey both the professional and friendly sides of the small business’ personality.
In our usability testing, we found that the original site’s structure was often confusing for users, especially the inclusion of two distinct product pages with different information and functionality. To address the usability issues, we evaluated the content of the site and created a new organization to make the user flows for different goals clear and eliminate redundancy.
During our discussions with the co-founders Ben and Emily, we were deeply impressed by what we learned about the ways in which their devices set a new standard of care for animals, from design to materials to manufacturing. However, the original home page didn’t focus on this impactful message, instead describing the history of the company. In our redesign, we shifted the emphasis of the home page to reasons why a client should choose ArteMedics, demonstrating the company’s relevance and quality first and allowing for interest in further details, like the company’s history, to develop later.